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application form 

Please complete the questionnaire below to register for certification with PT. Aksesindo Cakrawala Perkasa. We guarantee that the information you provide will remain confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party.

    Proposed ISO standards / Standar ISO yang diajukan*
    Are subcontractors included in the design and development? / Apakah subkontraktor termasuk melakukan pekerjaan perancangan dan pengembangan?*
    When are you ready for the first stage audit? / Kapan anda siap untuk dilakukan audit tahap satu?*
    Is the development of the management system currently assisted by consultants? / Apakah saat ini pengembangan sistem manajemen dibantu oleh konsultan?*
    Do you have a management system and procedures manual? / Apakah anda memiliki manual sistem manajemen dan prosedur?*
    Has your company conducted an internal audit and management review? / Apakah perusahaan anda sudah melakukan internal audit dan tinjauan manajemen?*
    If it is a certification transfer, are all NCs completed? / Jika merupakan transfer sertifikasi, apakah semua NC sudah selesai?*
    Please upload the following documents: / Silahkan upload dokumen berikut:
    Maximum File Size: 6 MB
    Accepted File Types: PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, JPEG, PNG
    The information provided by the organization is correct, and the organization agrees to the policy on certification by PT. Aksesindo Cakrawala Perkasa*
    Informasi yang diberikan oleh organisasi sudah benar adanya, dan organisasi menyetujui kebijakan tentang sertifikasi oleh PT. Aksesindo Cakrawala Perkasa*